Sunday, November 19, 2023

Bryce Pollitt wins individual title and leads Royals to a third place finish in the Mason County Fall Shoot

Bryce Pollitt won the indvidual title and led the Mason County Royals archery team to a third place finish at the Mason County Fall Shoot on Saturday at The Fieldhouse.

Great Crossing won the tournament with a score of 3241 edging Montomery County by five points. Mason County tallied a score of 3213. Fleming County finished in fourth place (3205). 

Pollitt had 22 Tens and posted a score of 290 out of a possible 300.

Dillon Mitchell was fourth overall at 284 with 16 Tens. 

Eden Abshire was next for Mason County with a score of 279 and 16 Tens. She ranked 10th overall and seventh out of 128 high school girls.

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